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    I am Your Transformation Catalyst  

Pink Gradient


ABOUT ME â€‹â€‹â€‹

I have been through a lot of change since I was 2.
I lived in 5 countries & had to learn 5 languages by the age of 14.
I have travelled to 40 countries, often venturing alone.
I am Resilient & Adaptable
These experiences have thought me compassion & love for the diversity of the human experience. 
My Super Powers include unwavering Courage & Self-Love, and by extension Love for all Life.
No matter what I have been through I have always striven to overcome my fears in order to put my Health & my Peace first.
A Peaceful & Purposeful life is my one & only Goal
I have no FOMO - I don't compare myself to anyone else.
The only thing that matters to me is my nervous system & my state of being.
It has been a long journey to get here but I wouldn't change anything about it because it has taught me about my purpose & my energy.
I went from Control to Surrender 
In the process I become my own Best Friend & Cheerleader
It is my purpose in this life to share my knowledge & my experiences in order to catalyze change by bringing clarity, focus, courage & self-love to those of us on the path of self-empowerment and self-discovery.
I believe in Action in order to learn & create my Best Life

We are Wired to Resist Change until We Feel like there are No Other Options Left






Living a Life in Alignment with my Purpose & Energy is MY BIRTHRIGHT


Everything Else is an Excuse I told myself Until I was Ready to

Commit to Becoming my Authentic Self​

Let's Take Control of the Rest of Your Life, Achieve Your Dreams & have Fun Doing It

On my Quest to be my most Authentic Self, I Became 
the Best Selling Author of
 By the Light of the Moon

An anthology of tales of Courage and Resilience

My story is called The Lawsuit, a difficult time when I had to sue a former employer that defined who I became on the other side of rejection and fear.

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