I don't think public speaking comes naturally to most people. Most of us are scared of being judged, criticized and looking incompetent while exposing our voices in front of big crowds. Often public speaking triggers our memories of school recitals and presentations and we all know how cruel other kids can be! Our worst fear would be to be made fun of while we try to awkwardly command the attention of a crowd.
So public speaking is often accompanied with anxiety and stress, especially in front of our superiors - we just can't wait to get it over with!
The good news is that we can master public speaking the way Barack Obama did, we can be inspiring in a way where people will actually enjoy listening to us. The most important thing is to learn the right tools to quiet our nerves and focus on our message and the connection with our audience.
As CEO of my own brand, I had a brand launch event where I inspired a room full of strangers with our brand values and purpose - I actually kind of felt like a rockstar!
I had to present to an audience of 200+ people during a Master Data Conference in NYC & I am not an expert in Master Data which is a very technical subject.
I had to present results and strategy recommendations monthly to the President and VPs of the biggest beer brewer in the world, results that went directly up to shareholders.
I had to present to customers who paid for our product but were unhappy with our services in order to get them to renew their contracts and even ask for price increases, super Awkward, Yikes! I somehow did it with a smile.
Here are my favorite tips to grow into a confident public speaker:
Humour is your friend: Especially if it self deprecating, you will disarm your audience before you even start. They will be relaxed and empathize with you - after all we are all human, don't forget that!
Less is more: Short attention spans are a given, if you can say something in 15mins instead of 30 mins, people will be happy and admire your succinctness and directness - it's a skills we should all practice.
Know your audience: Use a story that everyone can relate to to establish a connection just like I did at the start of this article. Make sure your audience understands why they should listen to you and make clear what's in it for them from the start. Setting expectations helps keep people engaged and focused instead of waiting for the point.
Build confidence: Practice, practice, practice. In front of the mirror or in front of a mentor. You will feel more comfortable in your skin and confident after a trial run. Slow down, keep an even tone, articulate and smile when you are uncomfortable. Smiling relaxes your body because it is associated with something pleasurable.
Pause and breathe: My favorite Obama speech tactic was the way he comfortably paused between his points. It creates the idea of control and confidence. When people are stressed they speak fast to get it over with instead of breathing normally. So if your heart starts accelerating while you speak because of your nerves - pause, take a deep breath, smile and collect yourself. This is just a moment in time, it doesn't define you!
Mindfulness ritual before the speech: Can you imagine Simone Biles' nerves before her Olympics events! Before it was her turn, Simone wouldn't talk to anyone, she had her head phones on listening either to music or meditation or both in order to focus her energy and calm her nerves. Once she was on the floor she was unstoppable like a ball of fire. You can prep your mindset with meditation, music, or exercise like yoga, the gym or a walk in nature - any activity that actually calms you down and helps you focus works.
About 15 years ago, I wanted to share a poem I wrote at a slam poetry event. It was my first time doing something like this - of my own volition too. Well I was not prepared, not for the bright light blinding me, not for the small intimate audience a few feet away that didn't seem to connect with my poem that I thought was the Bomb.
But that's ok! Because that was just 5 minutes of my life and since then I have been able to present in front of audiences far more knowledgeable and senior than me with confidence, while commanding respect.
Actually when I present now, I feel like a baby rockstar, the adrenaline alone makes it all worthwhile.
The version of me 15 years ago is proud of the badass presenter I have become and I know you can become too!
Check out my Confidence Boost package and Book a 30min Free consult if you want to quickly become a confident speaker who can effectively advocate for yourself in front of crowds or 1-1.